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What is Cystoscopy? 

Cystoscopy is a medical procedure done by doctors for them to be able to examine the lining of the bladder and the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine of the body. A hollow tube attached with a lens is put into the urethra and is slowly advanced within the bladder. There are multiple ways to perform a cystoscopy such as it being done in a testing room having anesthetic jelly to numb on the urethra or with sedation in an outpatient procedure or to have it done in the hospital during general anesthesia. The way it’s done depends on the situation and the reasons behind the procedure include seeing as to why there are certain signs and symptoms, like blood in urine, diagnosing bladder diseases and conditions, diagnosing an enlarged prostate and treating bladder diseases and conditions like having small tumors removed if needed. 


Right after cystoscopy, the patient is allowed to resume their daily routine though if they did have sedation or general anesthesia, they may be asked to stay in the recovery area being able to leave once the effects wear off. Side effects such as bleeding from the urethra, a burning sensation when urinating and more frequent urination for the next day or so are all possibilities. To relieve some discomfort, it’s advised to place a warm cloth on the urethra’s opening, to drink water and to take a warm bath if allowed to do so. The results of cystoscopy may be discussed right after or at a follow-up appointment.

HospitALL provides the best doctors for a cystoscopy procedure and urethra related problems.

Cystoscopy In Medical Centers

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