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Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease

Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease is when the aorta, which is the main blood vessel of the body, or iliac arteries is blocked. Sometimes those with this disease may not have any symptoms but symptoms may include pain, cramps or fatigue in the calves, buttocks or thighs when walking. As the disease gets worse, these might occur after walking quite short distances. In more severe cases, there may be pain in the feet or toes while resting, numbness and coldness in the legs and feet and possibly even gangrene or death of tissue in the feet. AOC may be caused by the hardening of the arteries and this is most prominent in smokers, those with high cholesterol, the obese, high blood pressure patients or those with genetic predisposition. Other causes of AOC include inflammation in the arteries causing blockages or radiation to the pelvis which may also cause inflammation.


The risk of the disease is usually reduced by quitting smoking, controlling cholesterol/high blood pressure, regularly exercising and managing diabetes. Medication such as aspirin, or any other medication that stops blood clotting, may also be given.  But if surgical treatment is needed then angioplasty or a surgical will be performed. 

HospitALL provides the best heart doctors in Pakistan.

Aorto-iliac Occlusive Disease In Medical Centers

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