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About Acupuncturist

An acupuncturist is an individual who is certified and qualified to practice acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of ‘alternative medicine’ and is not scientific based. It involves inserting a needle in certain points of the skin, usually penetrating it, to stimulate them to calm or get rid of pain or to treat different types of health conditions. To be a certified or qualified acupuncturist, it is generally agreed, in countries such as United States, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and more that if a physician is looking to become an acupuncturist, they should receive at least 200 hours of specialised training while non physicians should receive around 2,500 hours specialised training. 

What They Can Do

While there is no scientific proof that acupuncture points exist, experts use neuroscience to explain acupuncture by stating the points are where nerves, muscles, and connective tissue(s) can be stimulated. This stimulation has been seen to increase blood flow also triggering the activity of the body’s natural painkillers. Acupuncturists, by using acupuncture, have been proven to help lessen or fix low back pain, knee pain, headache, migraine, neck pain, and osteoarthritis. World Health Organization back in 2003 concluded that it has proven effective in a number of other conditions like high and low blood pressure, some gastric conditions, painful periods, facial pain, morning sickness, dysentery, sprain, dental pain, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, reducing the risk of stroke, sciatica, and among other conditions. It’s also seen to help the following conditions, which require more investigation, such as stiff neck, spine pain, vascular dementia, tourettes/tourette syndrome, whooping cough, fibromyalgia, substance, tobacco, and/or alcohol dependence. Overall the benefits include there being very few side effects, can control some types of pain, can be very effective when combined with other treatments, aid patients who are not suited/suitable to take pain medication, and when it is performed correctly, it is safe.


There aren’t types of acupuncturists; rather they’re differentiated with how qualified and experienced they are. 

Appointment Booking 

You can book an instant appointment with the best acupuncturists in your area on the HospitALL website. You can also call our CareALL helpline. Our dedicated CareALL staff is always there to help you. 

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