Dr. Amber Qureshi is an Expert Gynecologist. She is practicing in Amber Medical Centre Walton Road Lahore. Dr. Amber Qureshi is providing treatments and services including Antenatal Checkup, Any Complication like Diabetes and Hypertension (During Pregnancy), Caesarean (C-Section), Endometriosis, Gynecological Surgeries, Gynecological Surgeries, Infertility Treatment, IUGR, Male and Female Infertility, Maternal Care, Menopause and its issues, Normal Delivery, Obesity Management, Obstetrical Ultrasound, Pain lower Abdomen, PCOs, Sexual Health and Vaginal Infections (Leucorrhea). Dr. Amber Qureshi has the following degrees of M.B.B.S. and M.C.P.S as well as 18 years of experience in her field.